Sunday, December 26, 2010

I have a donkey in my office!

It has been suggested to me that my one liners regarding Sextoning should be shared with the world at large. Indeed, being a sexton has some very unique challenges and rewards, not the least of which is the legitimate occasion to say "I have a donkey in my office!". I like this idea. It may also cross paths with some thinking and reading I am doing regarding service vs. servitude, and a nifty book that Peter Short gave me titled 'Shop Class As Soul Craft'. One challenge I face in maintaining a blog regularly is being regular - I often get distracted by fatigue, other projects, beautiful women and the like. I don't think there is a shortage of perhaps you could help. Leave an encouraging one liner comment and I'm sure this will spur me on! One cannot create in a vacuum....

So back to the donkey in my office. The week before Christmas and the hooligans have come out; baby Jesus is missing and I had to dig out my spare (yes, He is a hot commodity apparently. Last year He was stolen as well, but returned after The Big Day. I can only imagine the hilarious photos of baby Jesus' travels those lawless hooligans took Him on...). A poor hapless donkey also got vandalized, and is awaiting repair in my office. Unfortunately, there is no replacement donkey as he is not central to the story...PETA will be up in arms, no doubt.

On my last day before vacation, on the last hour before vacation, a storm window in the bell tower blew off and shattered glass came flying down the roof onto the side walk. Thank God no one was walking underneath when it happened! Now the already fragile stained glass window is exposed to the elements, but I see no way of protecting or repairing it that doesn't involve scaffolding or fall arrest harnesses, or general danger and mischief. It's not something I want to take on, but I will have to figure out some solution or the stained glass window will not make it through the winter, of that I am sure.

So let me know what you think. Encourage me. Pummel me. Do what you will....

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