Monday, January 31, 2011

The Great Dilemma

I find myself at a turning point today.

Last year I became aware of the EMERGE group of artists' collective here in Fredericton. Through this collective, you meet once a month for discussion and encouragement, schedule group shows and the like. Most likely a step in the right direction, art career-wise. Through my own absentmindedness, I have also become aware that today is the last day for application into the collective. They hold juries once a year.

I also have a meeting with Peter Short tomorrow to discuss the non profit initiative we'd like to make in our community, through St. Paul's, via a used clothing bank/grocery store/cafe to foster fellowship and mission here at home. I don't have time to do both - today, and in the next year.

So which do I choose?
But I think I've already made a choice.
At the risk of sounding Christian - y and preachy, I think I'm deciding to follow God's call... Dang, it always surprises me when I end up being obedient! And for that reason, I know it's a good decision - that our actions will bear fruit, and that my art career won't wither and die simply because I didn't have time to apply to this one collective for this one year. Relax, Marsh. Bigger things await.

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