Friday, August 13, 2010

End of Residency

Today is the final day of my Artist in Residence term at the York Sunbury Museum. It has been an interesting week, and very productive.

I have a confession to make though...I had a bit of an artist's block on the Limits of Love project. These things's important not to try to force it. However, I completed one piece in the Possible Selves series, and have begun the fifth of six for that show. Reactions have been very positive to the work; 'oh that's so cool!' 'Really unique', and the most important of all 'I wonder how that would look on my wall...'

I met some very cool people, like Linda Bartlett, an artist and house sculptor. I met the owner of the Mazerolle Gallery and had a lengthy conversation with her. Ted Boothroyd, mask maker extraordinaire, was an interesting guy to share the space with. I was interviewed by Cheryl Norrad, who will hopefully be writing an in depth piece on my making process in the next few weeks, and the two little girls from Quebec who were so excited by the art work they just had to try, too.

Thank you to everyone who came to the museum to say hello!

1 comment:

  1. Pictures. I need pictures to go with the piece on you.
